About Bucks Adlerian Training
BAT offers a 3 year, 450 hour training programme in Adlerian Counselling Theory, Skills & Practice. Each year consists of 150 hours of teaching. The tutorials are held in Buckingham and Milton Keynes on 9 weekends a year and on Monday evenings via Zoom. The training is predominantly experiential and tutorial groups are small, with a high level of tutor support.

Bruce Greenhalgh
Bruce Greenhalgh has worked in a professional capacity in the Employee Assistance field since 1984 and currently is Head of Employee Assistance for a large consultancy firm managing Employee Assistance Programmes for corporate clients.
He has an MA in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy from Regents College and is an Accredited Counsellor with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
He has a diploma in Adlerian Counselling, is an ASIIP trained supervisor and is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Jill Reynolds
Jill Reynolds qualified with a diploma in Adlerian Counselling in 1999 and became an ASIIP trained supervisor and Accredited Adlerian counsellor in 2007.
Having completed a two-year apprenticeship under the guidance of Lilian Beattie in Aylesbury in 2000, she took on the post of year tutor.
Currently, she is the administrator and a tutor with Bucks Adlerian Counselling Training. She has an Open University degree in Psychology and has post-graduate adult education teaching qualifications.
She has a private counselling and supervision practice in Buckingham, and is a member of The Adlerian Society and Institute for Individual Psychology (ASIIP), The British Psychological Society, The British Association for Counselling & Psychogherapy and the Institute for Learning.
She is an ASIIP Council member and is on the Training Committee. She is also a Trustee with the Adlerian Sanctuary Trust and is on the organising committee of Adlerian Summerschools.

Janina Bell
Dip.Counselling (IIP) Dip.Supervision (IIP)
Janina is a counsellor, supervisor and trainer based in Milton Keynes.